Getting to Know You (Vin)
Author: Raquel

Author's note: I wasn't going to write because I have an exam to study for... but I couldn't resist.


Subject: Fwd: Getting to know you

Okay, here's what you're supposed to do. Copy (not forward) this entire e-mail and paste it onto a new mail that you will send. Change all the answers so they apply to you. Then, send this to a whole bunch of people you know INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will get a pile of get-to-know e-mails! You'll learn a lot of little known (and sometimes scary) facts about your friends! Remember to send yours back to the person who sent it to you! READY?

NAME: Vin Tanner

SEX: Okay, isn't it obvious? (Male, okay, I don't want to hear any comment later).

HOME: An apartment in Purgatorio... sometimes a room in Chris's.

HEIGHT: You already know... Taller than Ez and JD.

EYES: I really don't understand why you ask something you already know: Blue

HAIR:  Idem. Kind of light brown. Look at me and tell me what color you would say it is.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW?  SWAT and the A-Team, also MacGuyver.


FAVORITE MAGAZINE:  The truth? I'm gonna tell you because if I don't Buck will do it: I still read Batman, okay. You see Buck I said it.

FAVORITE SMELL:   The sheets and covers in my bed at my home with my mom.

WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD:  I... this is kind of personal, you know... When the heart hurts, you see, when mom died and when I can't do a damn thing to prevent one of you from getting hurt.

BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD:  When we have fun at Chris's ranch. Thanks cowboy!

THINGS TO DO ON THE WEEKENDS: Being with you and enjoy that stuff we like so much, riding, hiking, watching football, enjoying Josiah's chili... Ezra's Japanese food... and tons of junk food, hey JD?!


WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU THOUGHT OF WHEN YOU WOKE UP THIS MORNING?   I needed a cup of coffee... MY coffee... and that it was great that it was already Friday...


ROLLER COASTERS DEADLY OR EXCITING? :  They are great... okay Ez, you created that question. It isn't that bad, last time... You'll see, next one you won't puke.

PEN OR PENCIL? : This question is about what... I don't really mind. I prefer talking... but not too much.

HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? :   If it's one of you or Nettie, one. It's very useful when you can see the number/name of the person is calling, isn't it?

FAVORITE FOODS:  I like everything... Josiah's chili, my neighbor's tortillas, Chris's barbecue ribs, chips, chocolate, Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper... whatever.

DO YOU GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?  What kind of question is that? Of course -with my real ones-, even with my dad who I didn't know. The others... in foster homes... well you see... you can imagine and probably already know...


CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA?  Please... Chocolate, in any size, form, with or without milk, with or without hazelnuts or almonds, with orange or strawberry inside... whatever... or Cookies... or... okay... Now I'm hungry.

CROUTONS OR BACON BITS?  those goes with salads, right. If I have to eat a salad... both, but I prefer meat.

DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE?  Yeah... and you already know... I prefer the Harley...

DO YOU SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS? I don't, but ask Buck... hey Bucklin where is Tobby, the teddy bear =P

IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY KIND OF PET, WHAT WOULD IT BE?  Do horses count... I have Peso already... okay at Chris's but I have one already. Another... a dog maybe.

IF YOU COULD BE ANY TYPE OF ANIMAL WHAT WOULD YOU BE? a wolf, coyote... maybe an eagle... or a polar bear.

IF YOU COULD MEET ANYONE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO WOULD IT BE?  I'm sorry for that cowboy (later you can punch me)... Honestly, my mom and dad and Chris's family.

FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK:  Beer... whisky and cider.

WHAT IS YOUR SIGN?   "Think on all the possibilities" and "Watch your and your friend's backs", okay and "don't trust anybody" (that  isn't your friends).

EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI?  That is green, and although if it is with a big, big steak, no.

GUYS-IF A GIRL ASKED FOR THE SHIRT OFF YOUR BACK, WOULD YOU GIVE IT TO HER? What kind of question is that... that is Buck's idea, sure.


IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB YOU WANTED, WHAT WOULD IT BE? I like my job.... maybe rancher in a place like Chris's.

IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR, WHAT WOULD IT BE?   That is a girlish thing... Sorry Ezra... I ain't calling you girl.

IF YOU COULD HAVE A TATTOO, WHAT AND WHERE WOULD IT BE?  I have one already... the Army one... but maybe I get another one... Hey Chris, remember that promise!!!

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN LOVE? I suppose... but not the definitive one yet... I think... I'm always confused about that... Ask Buck! I know JD is in love right now, sorry kid.

DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM WEDDING: the simplest thing ever... but plainly beautiful... something I know I'll never forget.

WHAT IS ON YOUR WALLS IN YOUR ROOM?  Pictures of all of you... some Indian stuff... gifts from you... you already know it... why am I writing this?

IS THE GLASS HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL?  this is the kind of question shrinks ask to know if you are right on the head, right? I shouldn't answer... but I don't want you say I'm a coward, so... before being part of the Team, I suppose it was half empty, now it's half full... Please don't cry =P

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SNAPPLE?  I don't know... I haven't asked myself about it... it's all the same, isn't it?

ARE YOU A RIGHTY, LEFTY OR AMBIDEXTROUS?  depends what you're asking about

DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS? The new technologies are amazing... I just have to talk... but now I'm typing real carefully... three fingers in fact...

IF YOU COULD BE ONE GARDENING TOOL, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? Why I would like to be a gardening tool??!?!

WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED?  Some comics, socks...

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER? that is so obvious (since I learned that word I use it a lot, right Ez?) Seven

WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? a motorcycle, Pete... someday I'll tell you about him... helped me to put together...

WHAT IS YOUR DREAM CAR?  I haven't thought about it... a Harley and a Jeep is quite okay.... I can't have a car like Ez's.

FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? Football, baseball, in fact whatever if we watch it or play it together.

SAY ONE NICE THING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU. You know already... but since you got me spending around an hour and a half filling this... I don't know if I have something nice for you right  now.... ask me after buying me a drink. =)


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