People To Meet


Well, this is a simple enough page. I've lost track of people over the years and thought this might be a way to get back in touch with them. It's one heck of a long shot but what the hey! To preserve some anonymity, I'm not giving full details, just partial names and how I know them, but it's deliberately vague. If you think you're one of these people, write me, and we can find out.

Would you believe I actually caught up with one of these guys? It wasn't over the net but I ran into Paul D. the other day so he's been taken down.


Ryan G.
Think long distance friendship and I met your brother first at a dance in Saskatchewan

Edgar E.
Think choir at BD and hanging in the Library with James. Edmonton

Jason M.
BD and beyond. Did you know you spoiled me? Edmonton

ECS Gym class and Oklahoma

Roomies at EFY way back when, at  BYU.

Even further back, in Kenya, we had sleep-overs and listened to a-ha.

Mr. Smith
Choir at BD.



For all these people, I just want to see how things are going, and say hi. As for who I am, think really long last name with too many vowels. My nickname changed regularly, but usually had an A and D, though, Ingvid, you'd know me by my full first name, which is rather similar to my pseudonym.


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