The Magnificent Seven Fanfic Archive
& Blackraptor M7 Fan Fic
This is a fandom I recently stumbled on, and quickly got hooked on.
Anyway, enjoy the continuing adventures of Seven Magnificent men on
Casefiles of the Magnificent Seven
Same Seven Men, different time frame.
Watch as ATF team seven goes up against slimy gunrunners.
A 'General Fan Fiction Archive for "The Sentinel" since 1997.'
That pretty much sums it up. A great overall site with LOTS of stories. Including some of
A Highlander Fanfic Archive which was gracious enough to host some of my work. Thanks!
Another site with LOTS of stories.
THE X-Files fan fiction Archive. If it's an X-Files story, you can probably find it here.
The Slayer's Fanfic
A wonderful site for Buffy and Angel Fanfic. Check out the stories by Anya.
Pretender Archive
A small but growing archive for the Pretender. Got some interesting stuffs.
Alternate Universe
An Archive for Babylon 5 and Crusade.
LOTS of stories covering one of THE best sci-fi sagas ever shown on TV.
The Comic Fanfiction Authors Network. A hub site that connects to a multitude of Comic fic
Shifting Sands
A large Marvel Archive that covers mostly X-Men, but a lot of the other X-Teams as well.
The Crow Fan
Fiction Archive
Fanfiction for the movie The Crow, although there's a bit of fiction based on the TV
series as well.
Most of the stuff on this site is rather dark though.
Library | The Matrix fanfiction
Fanfiction for the movie, The Matrix.